LearnDash Articles & Tutorials

A collection of free & premium LearnDash content – news, tutorials, how-to, elearning 101, opinions & more.

Updating LearnDash

Important notes about how & when to update the LearnDash plugin, plus a few tips for before you update.

Contacting LearnDash Support

We explain how to contact LearnDash support, some things you can do to get a better/faster response, when support is available, and links to LearnDash documentation.

LearnDash Bugs

An unofficial log of all known LearnDash bugs & issues, including with third-party themes & plugins.




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Forum Rules

Be Kind & Patient

We’re here to learn and/or help each other. Please don’t be mean, rude, or condescending. Treat all members the way you should be treating dogs and your elders—with the utmost love & respect.

External Links

✅ Other websites that add value, help solve problems & contribute to the discussion. ❌ Affiliate links are prohibited. (Site owners may use affiliate links to help support the site.)


✅ You may promote your own products/services if they are relevant to an existing discussion. You must disclose your relationship with the product(s).
❌ You may not create new posts simply to promote your products.

Non-LearnDash Topics

❌ General (free) Forum: Only LearnDash-specific topics are allowed.
✅ Premium Forums: You are allowed to post other questions tangentially related to LearnDash. Please use the appropriately named forum. If it doesn’t exist, use the “LearnDash Integrations” forum.

Our Right to Remove

We reserve the right to remove any content, at any time, for any reason. We can also merge one post with another. We will exercise caution when removing content and always try to provide an explanation.