Custom Margins for LearnDash Certificates

Updated 3 years ago
by Dave Warfel

Are you having trouble with placement of shortcodes or other content on your LearnDash certificate? LearnDash adds a default margin on all four sides of their certificates. But they also provide us with a simple piece of code we can use to adjust them, or set them all to 0.

Use the following code to set all margins to 0. You can adjust the margin on each of the four sides by changing the 0 to any value you’d like.

This will definitely work with default LearnDash certificates built using the core LearnDash plugin. It’s unsure whether or not it also works when using the Certificate Builder add-on.

	function ( $tcpdf_params = array(), $post_id = 0 ) {

		if ( ( isset( $tcpdf_params['margins'] ) ) && ( is_array( $tcpdf_params['margins'] ) ) ) {
			$tcpdf_params['margins']['top']    = 0;
			$tcpdf_params['margins']['right']  = 0;
			$tcpdf_params['margins']['bottom'] = 0;
			$tcpdf_params['margins']['left']   = 0;
		// Always return $tcpdf_params
		return $tcpdf_params;

All CSS code should either be placed in a child theme’s main CSS file (typically style.css), or the Additional CSS area of the WordPress Customizer.

How to Add CSS to Your Site

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